Child care
Delaying School Start Times Essential for Teenager
Delaying School Start Times Essential for Teenagers’ Health

Despite evidence supporting the benefits of later school start times, widespread adoption of this measure remains limited, impacting teenagers’ health and academic performance.

December 2023

Life-Saving Solution for Postpartum Hemorrhage
Life-Saving Solution for Postpartum Hemorrhage

A life-saving solution dramatically reduces severe bleeding after childbirth, addressing a critical complication of postpartum hemorrhage. This intervention has the potential to improve maternal outcomes and reduce maternal mortality rates.

December 2023

Navigating Common Food and Drug Interactions
Navigating Common Food and Drug Interactions

Counseling patients and families on common food-drug interactions in pediatrics aids in optimizing medication efficacy and safety.

December 2023

Impact of Video Games on Children and Adolescent H
Impact of Video Games on Children and Adolescent Health

Examining the effects of video game use on children’s and adolescents’ health sheds light on potential impacts on physical and mental well-being.

December 2023

National Trends in Pediatric Fentanyl Deaths
National Trends in Pediatric Fentanyl Deaths

A study examines national trends in pediatric fentanyl deaths from 1999 to 2021, shedding light on the epidemiology of opioid-related fatalities among children. This research underscores the importance of addressing the opioid crisis to protect pediatric populations.

December 2023

Early Childhood Caries: Persistent Public Health C
Early Childhood Caries: Persistent Public Health Challenge

Despite efforts to address early childhood caries, it remains a significant public health issue requiring ongoing prevention and intervention strategies.

December 2023

Increase in Hospitalizations for Mental Health, Pe
Increase in Hospitalizations for Mental Health, Pediatric Self-Harm and Suicide

Pediatric mental health hospitalizations in acute care hospitals in the US, 2009-2019

December 2023

Children with Autism Are Less Likely to Have an Ey
Children with Autism Are Less Likely to Have an Eye Exam

Disparities in visual screening in primary care for young children with autism spectrum disorder

December 2023

Exploring Pediatric Postural Orthostatic Tachycard
Exploring Pediatric Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

Research Delves into Specific Findings Within Pediatric Population.

December 2023

Ear Drops to Remove Earwax: Is There Evidence of E
Ear Drops to Remove Earwax: Is There Evidence of Effectiveness?

The evidence comes from a Cochrane review and is relevant to adults and children.

December 2023