Unveiling a New Role for the Cerebellum
Unveiling a New Role for the Cerebellum

Explore the cerebellum's involvement in complex cognitive and emotional processes, shedding light on its multifaceted functions.

June 2023

Spectrum of Neuromyelitis Optica: Comprehensive Review

This review covers the epidemiology, clinical features, evolution, pathogenesis, treatment, and prognosis of the spectrum of neuromyelitis optica, providing valuable insights for clinicians.

June 2023

Tooth Loss Linked to Cognitive Decline and Dementi
Tooth Loss Linked to Cognitive Decline and Dementia

Maintaining good oral health, including proper denture care, may help protect against cognitive decline and dementia.

June 2023

Exercise's Role in Depression Treatment
Exercise's Role in Depression Treatment

Exercise is an effective yet underutilized resource in the treatment of depression, offering potential benefits for mental health and well-being.

June 2023

Pandemic Stress Linked to Menstrual Cycle Changes
Pandemic Stress Linked to Menstrual Cycle Changes

About 12% of participants reported changes in all four menstrual cycle characteristics, suggesting a link between pandemic stress and menstrual health.

June 2023

Dopamine System's Role in Processing Aversive Events

A new study explores how the dopamine system handles unpleasant aversive events, offering insights into neural processes associated with negative experiences.

June 2023

Angiotensin Receptor Blockers and Epilepsy
Angiotensin Receptor Blockers and Epilepsy

There is an association between angiotensin receptor blocker therapy and the incidence of epilepsy in patients with hypertension, highlighting potential neurological effects of this medication class.

June 2023

Neurological Complications of Smallpox and Monkeyp
Neurological Complications of Smallpox and Monkeypox

Monkeypox should be considered in high-risk populations presenting with neurological syndromes.

June 2023

Psychological Stress: A Key Indicator of Cardiovas
Psychological Stress: A Key Indicator of Cardiovascular Risk

A patient's psychological distress is directly associated with their cardiovascular risk, highlighting the importance of addressing stress for heart health.

June 2023

Exploring the Rarity of Eye Contact in Autism
Exploring the Rarity of Eye Contact in Autism

Reduced activity in a region of the dorsal parietal cortex is linked to the infrequency of eye contact among individuals with autism, shedding light on the neural basis of this behavior.

June 2023