A large-scale study utilizing the UK Biobank cohort reveals associations between grip strength and dementia risk, cognition, and neuroimaging outcomes, shedding light on the importance of muscular strength in cognitive health.
April 2023
A surveillance survey explores the complex interplay between sexual diversity, gender identity, experiences of harassment, and the prevalence of depression among adolescents, highlighting the need for comprehensive support and intervention strategies to promote mental health and well-being in this vulnerable population.
March 2023
Individuals with hypothyroidism face a heightened risk of developing dementia, particularly among those undergoing medication for the endocrine disorder, highlighting the importance of early detection and management of thyroid function in cognitive health.
March 2023
Researchers elucidate the role of luxotonic signals in the human prefrontal cortex as critical substrates for modulating mood and cognition in response to light exposure, providing novel insights into the mechanisms underlying the impact of light on mental well-being.
March 2023