Fatty Liver Linked to Heightened Dementia Risk
Fatty Liver Linked to Heightened Dementia Risk

Fatty liver and dementia share common risk factors, underscoring the importance of addressing metabolic health to mitigate cognitive decline.

April 2023

The Lasting Effects of Insufficient Sleep on Child
The Lasting Effects of Insufficient Sleep on Children and Adolescents

Poor sleep habits in childhood and adolescence can have enduring effects on brain function and cognitive development, emphasizing the importance of addressing sleep deficiencies early on.

April 2023

Grip Strength Linked to Dementia Risk and Cognitiv
Grip Strength Linked to Dementia Risk and Cognitive Outcomes: UK Biobank Study

A large-scale study utilizing the UK Biobank cohort reveals associations between grip strength and dementia risk, cognition, and neuroimaging outcomes, shedding light on the importance of muscular strength in cognitive health.

April 2023

Reasons for Hospital Admission in People with Type
Reasons for Hospital Admission in People with Type 2 Diabetes

The increase in hospitalizations for mental health disorders, as well as infections such as sepsis and pneumonia.

April 2023

Risk of Dementia and Atrial Heart Disease
Risk of Dementia and Atrial Heart Disease

Dementia risk escalated even in the absence of atrial fibrillation and stroke, two recognized risk factors for dementia.

April 2023

Blue Light from Devices Can Accelerate the Aging P
Blue Light from Devices Can Accelerate the Aging Process

The changes in cellular chemistry from blue light exposure observed in fruit flies could also cause detrimental effects on our bodies, including accelerated aging.

March 2023

How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Cancer Surv
How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Cancer Survivors?

Working-age Adults with and without a History of Cancer Reported Healthier Behaviors and Stable Health Insurance Status

March 2023

Addressing the Intersection of Sexual Diversity, H
Addressing the Intersection of Sexual Diversity, Harassment, and Depression in Adolescent Populations

A surveillance survey explores the complex interplay between sexual diversity, gender identity, experiences of harassment, and the prevalence of depression among adolescents, highlighting the need for comprehensive support and intervention strategies to promote mental health and well-being in this vulnerable population.

March 2023

Hypothyroidism Linked to Increased Dementia Risk,
Hypothyroidism Linked to Increased Dementia Risk, Especially in Medicated Patients

Individuals with hypothyroidism face a heightened risk of developing dementia, particularly among those undergoing medication for the endocrine disorder, highlighting the importance of early detection and management of thyroid function in cognitive health.

March 2023

Luxotonic Signals in Prefrontal Cortex Unveiled as
Luxotonic Signals in Prefrontal Cortex Unveiled as Key Mediators of Light's Influence on Mood

Researchers elucidate the role of luxotonic signals in the human prefrontal cortex as critical substrates for modulating mood and cognition in response to light exposure, providing novel insights into the mechanisms underlying the impact of light on mental well-being.

March 2023