Experts emphasize the importance of real-time monitoring of aerosol-generating dental procedures to mitigate the risk of viral transmission to both dental staff and patients, highlighting the potential role of such particles in COVID-19 spread within dental settings.
March 2023
Periodontal diseases contribute to systemic inflammation and chronic disease burden, highlighting the bidirectional relationship between oral health and overall health outcomes, and the importance of integrated management approaches.
December 2022
Complete edentulism or lack of functional dentition in older adults is associated with a 21% increased risk of malnutrition, emphasizing the importance of oral health and dental care in maintaining adequate nutritional status and overall health in the elderly population.
November 2022
The complex and diverse oral microbial ecosystem plays a crucial role in promoting and maintaining oral health by interacting with natural salivary defenses, highlighting the importance of preserving this delicate balance for optimal oral well-being.
November 2022
Telephone triage emerges as an effective approach to prioritize emergency dental patients, optimizing resource allocation and patient flow in dental care settings, and improving access to timely and appropriate treatment for individuals with urgent dental needs.
November 2022
Celiac disease, a chronic immune-mediated enteropathy triggered by gluten ingestion, can affect salivary gland function and oral health, highlighting the importance of comprehensive dental care and dietary management in patients with celiac disease.
October 2022
The Mediterranean diet contributes to the improvement of gingival inflammatory and anthropometric parameters, highlighting the potential oral health benefits of dietary interventions rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.
October 2022
Incidental ultrasound pathology is highly prevalent in young, healthy, and active patients, highlighting the importance of clinical correlation and judicious use of imaging modalities in the diagnostic evaluation of musculoskeletal complaints in asymptomatic individuals.
September 2022