Cannabis Use Linked to Higher Emergency Care and Hospitalization Rates

Cannabis users experience higher rates of emergency care visits and hospitalizations for respiratory and all-cause morbidity and mortality, underscoring the need for comprehensive healthcare interventions addressing cannabis-related health outcomes.

January 2023

Serious physical injuries and respiratory reasons are the two leading causes of emergency department visits and hospitalizations among cannabis users

Emergency department visits and hospitalizations are 22 percent higher among people who use cannabis compared to those who don’t, according to a new study.

The study, published in BMJ Open Respiratory Research and led by researchers from Unity Health Toronto and ICES, found that serious physical injuries and respiratory reasons were the two leading causes of emergency department visits and hospitalizations among cannabis users.

The findings suggest an association between cannabis use and negative health events, which the researchers say should underscore the need to educate and remind the public of the harmful health effects of cannabis. Recreational cannabis use has increased in Canada since decriminalization in October 2018.

"Our research demonstrates that cannabis use in the general population is associated with an increased risk of clinically serious negative outcomes, specifically, the need to present to the emergency department or be admitted to the hospital," said Dr. Nicholas Vozoris. , lead author, a pulmonologist at St. Michael’s and an associate scientist at the hospital’s Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute.

“Unlike tobacco, there is some uncertainty or controversy regarding the adverse health effects of cannabis. Some people may perceive that cannabis has some health benefits and is otherwise benign. “Our research highlights to those who use, or are considering using, cannabis, that this behavior is associated with significant negative health events.”

To compare health outcomes between cannabis users and people who do not use cannabis, researchers used data collected in a survey of people who reported cannabis use and linked it to ICES administrative health data for Ontario residents. from 12 to 65 years.

Using propensity score matching, a statistical matching technique, the researchers compared the health outcomes of nearly 4,800 people who reported using cannabis in the previous 12 months with the health outcomes of more than 10,000 people who reported never having used cannabis. consumed cannabis or have consumed it only once. and more than 12 months ago. The researchers incorporated 31 different variables while matching study participants to minimize unfair comparison, including demographics, multiple physical and mental illnesses, and tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use.

The primary goal of the study was to explore whether there was a relationship between cannabis use and respiratory-related hospitalization or emergency department visits. The researchers found no significant associations between cannabis use and respiratory-related emergency department visits, hospitalizations, or death from any cause. However, they found that total emergency department visits or hospitalizations for any reason were significantly higher among cannabis users.

In addition to being more likely to go to the emergency department (ED) or be hospitalized, findings show that one in 25 people who use cannabis will go to the emergency department (ED) or be hospitalized within a year of using cannabis. cannabis.

Among the reasons cannabis users went to the emergency department or were hospitalized, acute trauma , defined as bodily injury, was the most common, with 15 percent of cannabis users who received medical care receiving it. for this reason, and 14 percent received care for respiratory reasons .

“Our research results support that health professionals and the government should discourage recreational cannabis use in the general population. Given the context of cannabis decriminalization in Canada, which has most likely facilitated the broader use of this product in the population, our political and health leaders must make more efforts to educate and remind citizens about the harmful impacts of cannabis in health". said Dr. Vozoris, who is also a scientist at ICES