Global Preparedness Strategies for Rising Monkeypox Cases, Focus on Latin America

Countries like the US implement proactive strategies involving vaccine distribution and expanded testing to address rising monkeypox cases, prompting inquiries into the distribution of cases across Latin America and the need for regional response efforts.

March 2023
Global Preparedness Strategies for Rising Monkeypox Cases, Focus on Latin America

Monkeypox, also called monkeypox, is close to reaching 5,200 cases worldwide . Faced with this expansion, the World Health Organization (WHO) asked countries to intensify testing.

In fact, the UN health agency indicated that "sustained transmission" globally could cause the virus to begin moving towards high-risk groups, such as pregnant women, immunosuppressed people and children.

As of June 22, cases have been confirmed in 50 countries, of which 86% were reported in Europe (2,933), 11% in America (381), 2% in Africa (73) and less than 1% in the regions of the Eastern Mediterranean and in the Western Pacific (26). At the moment, the first and only death from this monkeypox outbreak has been recorded in Nigeria.

Beyond the expansion of cases, the Emergency Committee of the World Health Organization (OMDS) considered on June 27 that the monkeypox outbreak does not constitute, for the moment, a public health emergency of international concern.

Global picture

-On June 29, the WHO said it was investigating reports of infected children, including two cases in the United Kingdom, in addition to following up on reports in Spain and France. None of the cases in children have been serious.

-USA The United States is preparing a strong control strategy against monkeypox, as reported by the White House , with the main focuses on expanding access to vaccination to the high-risk population and making tests more available than ever before. hand of commercial laboratories. In fact, the Department of Health and Human Services will send 56,000 doses of the Jynneos vaccine immediately to areas with high transmission and 240,000 more doses are expected to be distributed in the coming weeks. The CDC is prioritizing initial access to the vaccine for people who have been in close contact, including sexual contact, with someone confirmed positive. It will also provide vaccines to men who have sex with men who have reported recent sex with multiple partners in an area of ​​the country where spread is high.

-In the last two days (June 29 and 30), Argentina confirmed two more cases of monkeypox, bringing the total to 6. The first is a 32-year-old man from the City of Buenos Aires with a history of travel to Europe. The second is a 25-year-old young man from the province of Córdoba, who had traveled to Mexico. The Ministry of Health reported that the presentation of cases outside the African continent may be atypical, either with one or a few lesions, and there have even been cases reported without them. The modes of transmission during sexual relations remain unknown. While it is known that close physical contact can lead to transmission, it is not yet clear what role sexual bodily fluids, including semen and vaginal fluids, play.

-The Latin American countries that have already confirmed cases of monkeypox are, as of June 29: Argentina (6), Brazil (21), Chile (6), Colombia (3), Mexico (11) and Peru (3 ). The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) activated its standard emergency procedures and established an incident management team with the active participation of personnel from more than 15 PAHO/Headquarters entities to ensure a timely response to the outbreak and direct efforts preparation in Member States.