Prolonged mask use exacerbates moderate to severe dry eye syndrome by altering tear stability and compromising their protective function, highlighting the need for ocular health considerations in mask-wearing practices.
May 2022
Impaired retinal microvascular function serves as a precursor to the development of symptomatic atherosclerosis and long-term adverse cardiovascular events, emphasizing the potential role of retinal imaging in cardiovascular risk assessment and management.
May 2022
Significant reduction in choroidal thickness is observed within weeks after COVID-19 infection, suggesting potential ocular manifestations of the disease and the need for long-term monitoring of ocular health in recovered patients.
March 2022
Individuals with the highest genetic risk of glaucoma may benefit from moderating their caffeine intake, highlighting the potential interaction between genetic susceptibility and lifestyle factors in disease prevention and management.
January 2022
Increasing use of contact lenses in children raises concerns about microbial keratitis, emphasizing the importance of preventive measures and vigilant eye care practices to minimize the risk of sight-threatening corneal infections.
December 2021
Next-generation CRISPR technology holds promise for restoring visual and retinal function through gene therapy, offering potential therapeutic avenues for treating inherited eye diseases and improving patient outcomes.
June 2021
A viewpoint provides guidance on interpreting diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2 infections, emphasizing the importance of understanding test characteristics and performance metrics in clinical decision-making and public health surveillance efforts.
January 2021
Examination of ocular manifestations in COVID-19 patients from Hubei Province, China, provides valuable data that may aid ophthalmologists and healthcare professionals in understanding the potential involvement of the eyes in the course of the disease.
December 2020
Infectious droplets and body fluids can contaminate the human conjunctival epithelium, highlighting the potential role of the ocular surface in SARS-CoV-2 transmission and the importance of infection control measures targeting ocular secretions.
October 2020