Consumption of ultra-processed foods is associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality among individuals with type 2 diabetes, highlighting the importance of dietary interventions in diabetes management.
April 2024
Implementation of a fruit and vegetable prescription program in the US led to increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as improvements in blood pressure, body mass index, and blood glucose levels, highlighting the effectiveness of such interventions in promoting healthy dietary behaviors.
April 2024
Visceral adiposity may be a more meaningful measure of obesity in the context of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), as it has been associated with disease exacerbation. This article discusses the relationship between visceral adiposity and IBD.
April 2024
Each additional alcoholic drink consumed over the years is associated with an increase in blood pressure, according to a new analysis published in the journal Hypertension, highlighting the importance of alcohol moderation for cardiovascular health.
April 2024