Sedentary Time in Children Has Cumulative Effects
Sedentary Time in Children Has Cumulative Effects

Accumulation of inactive time is linked to heart damage independent of body weight and blood pressure, underscoring the importance of reducing sedentary behavior in children for cardiovascular health.

May 2024

Blood Pressure Measurement in Both Arms
Blood Pressure Measurement in Both Arms

Measuring blood pressure in both arms may help reduce cardiovascular risk and hypertension-related complications, offering a simple yet potentially valuable clinical practice.

April 2024

Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program in the US
Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program in the US

Implementation of a fruit and vegetable prescription program in the US led to increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as improvements in blood pressure, body mass index, and blood glucose levels, highlighting the effectiveness of such interventions in promoting healthy dietary behaviors.

April 2024

Yoga’s Impact on Cardiovascular Health and Well-
Yoga’s Impact on Cardiovascular Health and Well-being

Yoga practice over a three-month period is associated with reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, contributing to improved cardiovascular health and overall well-being.

April 2024

Blood Pressure Management in Critically Ill Patien
Blood Pressure Management in Critically Ill Patients

Regulating blood pressure in critically ill patients is essential for optimizing outcomes in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting, emphasizing the importance of vigilant monitoring and timely interventions.

April 2024

Alcohol Consumption Can Increase Blood Pressure
Alcohol Consumption Can Increase Blood Pressure

Each additional alcoholic drink consumed over the years is associated with an increase in blood pressure, according to a new analysis published in the journal Hypertension, highlighting the importance of alcohol moderation for cardiovascular health.

April 2024

Clinical Trial with a New Drug for Resistant Hyper
Clinical Trial with a New Drug for Resistant Hypertension

Details of the Target-HTN randomized clinical trial investigating the efficacy of aldosterone synthase inhibition with lorundrostat for uncontrolled hypertension, aiming to provide new therapeutic options for patients with resistant hypertension.

April 2024

Unveiling the 2023 ESH Guidelines for High Blood P
Unveiling the 2023 ESH Guidelines for High Blood Pressure Management in Europe

The European Society of Hypertension releases updated guidelines offering evidence-based recommendations for the management of high blood pressure in 2023.

April 2024

Shedding Light on Overlooked Contributors to High
Shedding Light on Overlooked Contributors to High Blood Pressure

Research underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing lesser-known factors contributing to high blood pressure.

April 2024

COVID-19 Can Trigger New Onset High Blood Pressure
COVID-19 Can Trigger New Onset High Blood Pressure

Significant association between COVID-19 infection and the development of persistent high blood pressure underscores the need for monitoring and management of cardiovascular complications in COVID-19 survivors.

April 2024