High Blood Pressure, Brain Damage and Cognitive Im
High Blood Pressure, Brain Damage and Cognitive Impairment

Researchers identify specific regions of the brain that are damaged by high blood pressure and are involved in decreased mental processes and dementia.

November 2023

Irregular Sleep and Cardiovascular Risk
Irregular Sleep and Cardiovascular Risk

Erratic Sleep Patterns Linked to High Blood Pressure in Abdominally Overweight Adolescents

November 2023

Physical Fitness Mitigates Impact of High Blood Pr
Physical Fitness Mitigates Impact of High Blood Pressure

Study Highlights Protective Role of Fitness Against Negative Effects of Hypertension.

November 2023

Blood Pressure Thresholds in Chronic Coronary and
Blood Pressure Thresholds in Chronic Coronary and Cerebrovascular Diseases

This article reviews the evidence, controversies and current state of knowledge on intensive BP lowering and the lower thresholds to achieve in patients with chronic coronary or cerebrovascular diseases.

October 2023

Blood Pressure Salt Sensitivity in Women
Blood Pressure Salt Sensitivity in Women

Women of all ages have more salt-sensitive hypertension than men

October 2023

Utility of Digoxin in Heart Failure
Utility of Digoxin in Heart Failure

The use of digoxin was associated with lower mortality and morbidity in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), but with higher mortality and morbidity in patients without AF

September 2023

Prevalence of Secondary Hypertension in Young Adul
Prevalence of Secondary Hypertension in Young Adults Investigated

Study examines prevalence of secondary hypertension among previously healthy young adults diagnosed in outpatient settings.

September 2023

Does Stroke Risk Change with Age?
Does Stroke Risk Change with Age?

While some stroke risk factors may decrease with age, such as hypertension and diabetes, others remain constant, prompting further investigation into age-related stroke dynamics.

August 2023

Ocular Stress Accelerates Aging
Ocular Stress Accelerates Aging

Ocular hypertension triggers a stress response akin to natural aging, highlighting the impact of stress on eye health.

August 2023

Hypertension Risk Following Pregnancy
Hypertension Risk Following Pregnancy

Approximately 1 in 10 women may develop hypertension after pregnancy, particularly those over 35 years old, smokers, or those who underwent cesarean sections.

July 2023