Skin care
Skin Cancer Incidence Trends in the United States:
Skin Cancer Incidence Trends in the United States: A Concerning Rise

Skin cancer incidence in the United States has steadily increased between 1973 and 2015, highlighting the need for enhanced prevention efforts and public health initiatives to address this concerning trend and reduce the burden of skin cancer.

October 2022

Preventive Measures for COVID-19 and Contact Derma
Preventive Measures for COVID-19 and Contact Dermatitis: Clinical Observations

There is growing evidence of the increasing prevalence of allergic and irritant contact dermatitis due to COVID-19 preventive measures, underscoring the importance of dermatological surveillance and skin care strategies in mitigating dermatological complications associated with pandemic-related interventions.

October 2022

Psoriasis: Clinical Overview of a Heterogeneous Sk
Psoriasis: Clinical Overview of a Heterogeneous Skin Disease

Psoriasis is a clinically heterogeneous skin disease that presents in multiple forms and locations, requiring individualized treatment approaches based on disease severity, phenotype, and patient-specific factors to achieve optimal management outcomes.

October 2022

Congenital Pigmentary Anomalies in Neonates: Clini
Congenital Pigmentary Anomalies in Neonates: Clinical Updates and Management

An update on manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of neonatal congenital pigment anomalies provides valuable insights into the identification and management of these dermatological conditions in newborns, facilitating timely interventions and improved outcomes.

September 2022

Ambient Air Pollution and Psoriasis Outbreak: Envi
Ambient Air Pollution and Psoriasis Outbreak: Environmental Risk Factors

Exposure to ambient air pollution is associated with an increased risk of psoriasis outbreak, particularly among vulnerable populations, highlighting the environmental determinants of inflammatory skin diseases and the importance of pollution control measures in public health interventions.

September 2022

Management of Eczema in Children: Clinical Present
Management of Eczema in Children: Clinical Presentations and Therapeutic Strategies

Review and guide to current therapeutic strategies for the management of eczema in children, encompassing clinical presentations, diagnostic considerations, and evidence-based treatment options.

August 2022

Atopic Dermatitis: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and
Atopic Dermatitis: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Therapeutic Advances

Atopic dermatitis is characterized by its complex pathogenesis and heterogeneous clinical manifestations, necessitating a multidisciplinary approach to treatment that addresses underlying immune dysregulation and skin barrier dysfunction.

June 2022

Rosacea: Understanding the Essentials
Rosacea: Understanding the Essentials

Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disease primarily affecting the central face, characterized by persistent facial erythema, papules, pustules, telangiectasias, and recurrent flushing episodes, necessitating comprehensive management strategies for optimal disease control.

May 2022

Skin Cancer Detection Apps: Accuracy and Limitatio
Skin Cancer Detection Apps: Accuracy and Limitations in Clinical Practice

Skin cancer detection apps demonstrate low effectiveness in accurately classifying rare and aggressive skin cancers, underscoring the limitations of technology-based diagnostic tools in clinical practice.

April 2022

Risk of Psoriasis in Patients with Uveitis: Insights from Population-Based Studies

Taiwanese patients with uveitis have a higher risk of developing psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, underscoring the importance of multidisciplinary care and comprehensive disease management strategies for patients with autoimmune conditions.

April 2022