Cannabis Use and Risk of Psychosis and Affective D
Cannabis Use and Risk of Psychosis and Affective Disorders: Insights from Research

Heavy use of high-THC/low-CBD cannabis is associated with an increased risk of psychosis, highlighting the importance of understanding the potential psychiatric consequences of cannabis consumption.

September 2020

Antioxidants May Mitigate Harmful Effects of Cigarette Smoke

Researchers have found that incorporating antioxidant agents into cigarette filters can reduce the harmful effects of smoking on human cells. This discovery may pave the way for the development of safer tobacco products with reduced health risks.

October 2002

Low Cholesterol Levels May Not Mitigate Cardiovasc
Low Cholesterol Levels May Not Mitigate Cardiovascular Risk in Smokers

Although low cholesterol levels are typically associated with reduced cardiovascular risk, this protective effect may be diminished in smokers, according to recent research. These findings underscore the complex interplay between smoking, cholesterol levels, and cardiovascular health.

October 2002

Smoking Linked to Bone Fragility in Men
Smoking Linked to Bone Fragility in Men

New research from French scientists reveals that smoking increases the risk of osteoporosis in men, challenging previous assumptions that this association primarily affects women. This study highlights the importance of smoking cessation for maintaining bone health in both genders.

September 2002