Mortality Risk After Total Gastrectomy for Gastric
Mortality Risk After Total Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer

Multiple factors contribute to deaths occurring three months after total gastrectomy for gastric cancer, underscoring the importance of postoperative care and monitoring.

June 2023

Adequate Tumor-Free Margins in Breast Cancer Surge
Adequate Tumor-Free Margins in Breast Cancer Surgery

International guidelines need revision to account for new findings, experts say.

June 2023

Optimal Management of Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis

Contemporary medical therapy significantly reduces stroke rates in patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis, highlighting the efficacy of non-surgical interventions.

June 2023

Surgical Stabilization Benefits Traumatic Rib Frac
Surgical Stabilization Benefits Traumatic Rib Fractures

Surgical stabilization of traumatic rib fractures is associated with reduced readmissions and increased survival, highlighting its potential in improving outcomes for trauma patients.

May 2023

A Simple and Inexpensive Surgical Procedure for Di
A Simple and Inexpensive Surgical Procedure for Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Proactive surgery to adjust foot mechanics.

May 2023

Predicting Hysterectomy Complications
Predicting Hysterectomy Complications

An easy-to-use predictive tool helps anticipate complications in patients undergoing hysterectomy for benign conditions.

May 2023

Surgery Outcomes Comparable Across Genders
Surgery Outcomes Comparable Across Genders

A study finds no performance differences between male and female surgeons, challenging gender-based stereotypes in surgical outcomes.

May 2023

Investigating Vocal Cord Paresis in Thyroid Surger
Investigating Vocal Cord Paresis in Thyroid Surgery

This study aims to prospectively assess the prevalence of preoperative incidental vocal cord paresis and the incidence rate of perioperative recurrent laryngeal nerve injury through routine laryngoscopic screening before and after thyroid surgery.

April 2023

Addressing the Physiological and Psychological Imp
Addressing the Physiological and Psychological Impact of Surgical Complications

Surgical complications not only pose physiological challenges but also inflict significant psychological distress on patients, highlighting the need for effective management strategies.

April 2023

Notable Increase in Cosmetic Surgery After the Pan
Notable Increase in Cosmetic Surgery After the Pandemic

Survey Finds Demand for Cosmetic Surgery, Driven by Women under 45, Increased After Pandemic

April 2023