WHO Responds to Surge in COVID-19 Cases, Highlights Importance of Vaccination

Amid a 30% increase in global COVID-19 cases, the World Health Organization (WHO) warns of the spread of the Ómicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 in Europe and the USA, emphasizing the critical need for vaccination reinforcements to curb transmission.

March 2023
WHO Responds to Surge in COVID-19 Cases, Highlights Importance of Vaccination

The number of coronavirus infections in the world increased 30% in the last two weeks, announced the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during a press conference in Zurich, Switzerland.

The director general of the WHO also specified that in the last week, the growth of infections was observed in four of the six subregions of the WHO. According to his data, the Ómicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 are spreading in Europe and the US, while a new one, BA.2.75, was detected in India, which is currently being studied. In this context, Ghebreyesus emphasized the importance of testing and vaccination.

"The reduction in immunity highlights the importance of revaccination, especially for risk groups," the official said.

According to Johns Hopkins University, which continuously monitors the pandemic, the world has surpassed 551 million cases, with more than 6.3 million deaths. The US is the country with the most officially verified infections and deaths, with 88,069,892 and 1,018,376, respectively.

In May this year, the WHO said the number of new coronavirus cases reported around the world was declining, except in two regions: the Americas and Africa.

The United Nations health agency noted that in America infections had risen 14%, while in Africa the recorded growth was 12%. Cases remained stable in the Western Pacific and had fallen in the rest of the world, that report concluded.