Observing World Mental Health Day

Pan American Health Organization’s theme for 2023 emphasizes celebrating mental health as a universal human right.

May 2024
Observing World Mental Health Day

Like every October 10, World Mental Health Day is commemorated and the motto proposed by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) for 2023 is “Celebrate mental health as a universal human right.”

This year’s event represents the global commitment to raise awareness about mental health and advocate for it as a universal human right.

“Everyone should have the right to live a life with dignity, fairness, equality and respect, and this includes people with mental health problems. However, in the Region of the Americas, stigma, discrimination and human rights violations continue to persist,” indicates PAHO.

The organization added that in many countries in the Region, people with mental health problems often do not have access to quality services, are subjected to coercive practices, inhuman treatment and, in some cases, abuse, even in health care settings. health, where they should be protected, the organization added.

Therefore, it proposes that “countries should promote regulatory and policy initiatives to support mental health as a universal human right.” And they argue that “at the same time they limit practices that favor human rights violations.”

 This includes establishing mental health laws that respect the principles of international human rights instruments, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

Regional estimates show that just over 60% of 39 countries have an independent mental health law, and almost half of 37 countries lack or do not have a dedicated authority to assess compliance with international human rights instruments. is working.

PAHO remains committed to working alongside countries, providing technical support to develop mental health legislation that complies with international conventions and advocating for the rights of each individual, beyond borders and inequalities.