Drops in colorectal cancer screening rates during the COVID-19 pandemic require urgent attention to mitigate delays in cancer detection and ensure timely access to preventive services, underscoring the importance of targeted interventions to address healthcare disparities.
October 2022
Survivor concerns surrounding the diagnosis and treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) are qualitatively explored, highlighting the psychosocial and emotional impact of DCIS management decisions on affected individuals.
October 2022
Drops in colorectal cancer screening rates during the COVID-19 pandemic require urgent attention to mitigate delays in cancer detection and ensure timely access to preventive services, emphasizing the need for coordinated efforts to address healthcare disruptions.
October 2022
Glaucoma, a condition affecting the optic nerve and often asymptomatic, poses a significant public health challenge, with 80 million affected individuals worldwide, prompting initiatives such as Glaucoma Awareness Day to raise awareness and promote early detection and treatment.
October 2022
While cervical cancer incidence has stagnated in higher-income settings, there is a concerning increase in the overall incidence of HPV-associated cancers, particularly in lower-income settings, underscoring the need for targeted prevention and screening efforts to mitigate the growing burden of HPV-related malignancies.
October 2022
Central surgical strategies play a pivotal role in the multidisciplinary management of colorectal liver metastases, emphasizing the importance of tailored surgical interventions in optimizing oncological outcomes and improving survival in patients with advanced colorectal cancer.
October 2022
Glaucoma Awareness Day commemorates the global effort to address the silent threat of glaucoma, a leading cause of irreversible blindness affecting millions worldwide, underscoring the importance of education, screening, and treatment to prevent vision loss.
October 2022
The association between the extent of surgical resection and overall survival in patients with gallbladder cancer in stages T2 and T3 is described in a large contemporary population-based cohort study, providing valuable insights into surgical management strategies and prognostic factors for this malignancy.
October 2022
The fecal immunochemical test may adequately exclude colorectal cancer in symptomatic patients, offering a non-invasive and cost-effective screening option for early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer.
September 2022
The fecal immunochemical test may adequately exclude colorectal cancer in symptomatic patients, offering a non-invasive and cost-effective screening option for early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer.
September 2022