Severe Acute Arterial Hypertension: Focused Review
Severe Acute Arterial Hypertension: Focused Review on Management Strategies

A focused review examines the occurrence and management of acute severe hypertension outside the operative setting, highlighting the importance of timely recognition, pharmacological interventions, and blood pressure control measures in optimizing clinical outcomes for affected patients.

January 2021

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring: Clinical Ind
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring: Clinical Indications and Utility in Hypertension Management

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring offers valuable insights into blood pressure variability and circadian rhythms, guiding treatment decisions and risk stratification in hypertensive patients, highlighting its utility in optimizing hypertension management and cardiovascular risk assessment.

January 2021

Pharmaceuticals for Cardiovascular Disease Prevent
Pharmaceuticals for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: Evidence of Significant Benefits

Analysis of pharmaceutical interventions demonstrating significant reductions in blood pressure, blood glucose, and cholesterol levels, underscoring their potential role in preventing cardiovascular diseases and improving patient outcomes.

August 2020