Hypertension in Pregnancy: AHA Recommendations for
Hypertension in Pregnancy: AHA Recommendations for Maternal and Fetal Health

Treating high blood pressure during pregnancy is safe and effective, preventing maternal heart risks and improving fetal outcomes, according to recommendations from the American Heart Association (AHA).

August 2022

Mild Autonomous Cortisol Secretion in Adrenal Inci
Mild Autonomous Cortisol Secretion in Adrenal Incidentalomas: Prevalence and Clinical Implications

Researchers reveal the prevalence of mild autonomous cortisol secretion in adrenal incidentalomas, a condition associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and hypertension, highlighting the importance of early detection and management in affected individuals.

August 2022

White Coat Hypertension: Office vs. Out-of-Office
White Coat Hypertension: Office vs. Out-of-Office Blood Pressure Discrepancy

White coat hypertension is characterized by elevated office blood pressure readings despite normal out-of-office blood pressure measurements (ambulatory or home), highlighting the importance of ambulatory monitoring for accurate diagnosis and management.

August 2022

Update on Lead Poisoning: Implications for Blood P
Update on Lead Poisoning: Implications for Blood Pressure and Intervention Strategies

Update on lead poisoning explores its effects on blood pressure levels and the rationale for intervention strategies to reverse its adverse health effects, emphasizing the importance of environmental health policies in lead exposure prevention.

March 2022

Focusing on Emotions for People Living with Obesit
Focusing on Emotions for People Living with Obesity: Implications for Mental and Physical Health

Participants in obesity management programs experience weight loss and improvements in anxiety, depression, and blood pressure, highlighting the importance of addressing emotional well-being alongside physical health outcomes in individuals living with obesity.

January 2022

High blood pressure: intensive vs standard control
High blood pressure: intensive vs standard control

Final report of a trial of intensive blood pressure control versus standard

January 2022

Reduce CV risk more than blood pressure
Reduce CV risk more than blood pressure

Primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases at different blood pressure levels: a meta-analysis of data at the individual participant level

December 2021

When to use drugs for mild arterial hypertension?
When to use drugs for mild arterial hypertension?

If mildly high blood pressure doesn’t respond to lifestyle change, medications may help

December 2021

Chronic Kidney Disease in Adults: Age and Comorbid
Chronic Kidney Disease in Adults: Age and Comorbidity Associations

Risk of chronic kidney disease increases with age and comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, highlighting the importance of early detection and targeted risk factor modification in primary and secondary prevention efforts.

November 2021

Effectiveness of Exercise Training in Hypertensive
Effectiveness of Exercise Training in Hypertensive Patients: Comparative Analysis of Training Modalities

High-intensity interval training demonstrates comparable efficacy to moderate-intensity continuous training in improving thrombotic markers and microRNA levels in hypertensive patients, supporting its role as an effective exercise modality in hypertension management and cardiovascular risk reduction.

January 2021