Fast Food Consumption Associated with Increased Li
Fast Food Consumption Associated with Increased Liver Disease Risk

Regular consumption of fast food is linked to a higher risk of liver damage, particularly among individuals with obesity or diabetes, according to recent findings.

September 2023

Sugar Hypothesis Challenged in Diabetic Cataract D
Sugar Hypothesis Challenged in Diabetic Cataract Development

Researchers discover a new mechanism underlying the development of diabetic cataracts, challenging the conventional sugar hypothesis in preclinical models.

September 2023

COVID Survivors May Face Higher Risk of Developing
COVID Survivors May Face Higher Risk of Developing Diabetes

Study finds association between COVID-19 and increased risk of diabetes.

September 2023

COVID Vaccination May Lower Risk of Post-Infection
COVID Vaccination May Lower Risk of Post-Infection Diabetes

Study examines association between COVID-19 vaccination and incident diabetes.

September 2023

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Cardiovascular Di
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Cardiovascular Disease

The prognosis of the disease has improved due to treatment optimization, but cardiac risk remains an important clinical issue

September 2023

Guidelines Aim to Optimize Diabetes and Chronic Ki
Guidelines Aim to Optimize Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease Management

The guideline offers recommendations for managing diabetes and chronic kidney disease across diverse patient populations, emphasizing a comprehensive approach to care.

September 2023

Age at Diabetes Diagnosis Linked to Varied Morbidi
Age at Diabetes Diagnosis Linked to Varied Morbidity and Mortality

The age at which diabetes is diagnosed is associated with different outcomes in terms of morbidity and mortality.

September 2023

Vitamin D Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Predi
Vitamin D Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Prediabetic Individuals

Supplementation may reduce diabetes risk in millions with prediabetes.

September 2023

Predictors of Drug-Free Type 2 Diabetes Remission
Predictors of Drug-Free Type 2 Diabetes Remission Explored

Insights from an 8-year evaluation of a low-carbohydrate diet with weight loss shed light on predictors of drug-free type 2 diabetes remission, offering valuable perspectives for clinical management.

August 2023

Does Stroke Risk Change with Age?
Does Stroke Risk Change with Age?

While some stroke risk factors may decrease with age, such as hypertension and diabetes, others remain constant, prompting further investigation into age-related stroke dynamics.

August 2023