Depression and Accelerated Aging
Depression and Accelerated Aging

Older adults with late-life depression are biologically older than their chronological peers.

October 2023

Common Urological Problems in Adolescent Males Dis
Common Urological Problems in Adolescent Males Discussed

Young men's healthcare-seeking behavior compared to females.

October 2023

Notable Increase in Cardiovascular Mortality in US
Notable Increase in Cardiovascular Mortality in US Linked to Pandemic

The American Heart Association's 2023 statistical update reports a significant rise in cardiovascular disease deaths in the United States, particularly among Asian, Black, and Hispanic populations.

October 2023

Social Isolation and Loneliness Impact Heart Failu
Social Isolation and Loneliness Impact Heart Failure and Dementia Risk

Both factors contribute to increased risk, with loneliness having a greater impact.

October 2023

Neurological Examination for Suspected Peripheral Neuropathies

Simple, low-cost methods feasible for quantifying neurological deficits.

October 2023

COVID-19 May Cause 'Face Blindness'
COVID-19 May Cause 'Face Blindness'

Dartmouth study finds deficiencies in facial recognition, navigation skills

October 2023

Seasonality in Psychiatric Disorders
Seasonality in Psychiatric Disorders

Summary of findings on brain adaptations associated with seasonal changes, factors contributing to individual differences, and their implications for psychiatric disorders

October 2023

Diabetes Incidence Continues to Increase in Childr
Diabetes Incidence Continues to Increase in Children and Young Adults

The study also shows that Asian/Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic black, and Hispanic children have higher incidence rates of type 1 and type 2 diabetes

October 2023

Brain Plasticity Supports Lifelong Learning Abilit
Brain Plasticity Supports Lifelong Learning Abilities

Immature connections in the brain may explain how adults can continue to form new memories and acquire new information throughout their lives, researchers suggest.

October 2023

Lipidome Characteristics of Serious Mental Illness
Lipidome Characteristics of Serious Mental Illnesses Explored in New Study

Alterations in blood plasma lipids among individuals with schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar disorder shed light on potential lipidome characteristics associated with serious mental illnesses.

October 2023