Initial Treatment of Osteoporosis in Men and Postm
Initial Treatment of Osteoporosis in Men and Postmenopausal Women

The American College of Physicians recommends bisphosphonates as the initial treatment for osteoporosis in men and postmenopausal women diagnosed with primary osteoporosis

September 2023

Parenting Stress Linked to Sleep Disorders in Pare
Parenting Stress Linked to Sleep Disorders in Parents and Children

An analysis of over 14,000 individuals aged 18 to 64 with dependent children reveals a correlation between parenting stress and sleep disorders.

September 2023

The role of alpha and beta cells in glucose metabo
The role of alpha and beta cells in glucose metabolism

Differential contribution of alpha and beta cell dysfunction to fasting glucose alteration and glucose tolerance impairment

September 2023

Chronic Pain and Depression: Current State of Know
Chronic Pain and Depression: Current State of Knowledge Reviewed

A bibliographic review examines the existing evidence on the relationship between chronic pain and depression, identifying key questions for future research in this area.

September 2023

Evaluation of Vision Disorders in Concussion Revie
Evaluation of Vision Disorders in Concussion Reviewed

Review explores signs, symptoms, evaluation, and treatment of post-concussion visual disorders.

September 2023

New Recommendations for REM Sleep Behavior Disorde
New Recommendations for REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

Guide provides treatment recommendations for sleep-related disorder.

September 2023

Carbohydrates and sugary foods can influence poor
Carbohydrates and sugary foods can influence poor oral health

New research on postmenopausal women identifies associations between commonly eaten foods and the diversity and composition of oral bacteria

September 2023

Hydroxychloroquine for the Treatment of Non-Hospit
Hydroxychloroquine for the Treatment of Non-Hospitalized Adults with COVID-19

HCQ does not improve viral clearance nor reduce the risk of hospitalization

September 2023

Primary Care Increasingly Addresses Mental Health
Primary Care Increasingly Addresses Mental Health Issues

Proportion of primary care visits addressing mental health increases by almost 50%.

September 2023

Chronic Glucocorticoid Stress Linked to Accelerate
Chronic Glucocorticoid Stress Linked to Accelerated Aging

Study identifies increased energy expenditure and accelerated aging as characteristics of allostatic load.

September 2023