Mid-Gestation Increase in Leptin Levels Linked to Endothelial Dysfunction in Mice

A study in mice reveals that a mid-gestation increase in leptin levels induces endothelial dysfunction, shedding light on the potential role of leptin dysregulation in pregnancy-related vascular complications.

March 2023

Investigating the Impact of Gestational COVID-19 o
Investigating the Impact of Gestational COVID-19 on Mother-Infant Transmission Dynamics

Researchers describe the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in exposed infants born to mothers with gestational COVID-19, providing insights into viral load kinetics and the potential risks posed to neonates during the perinatal period.

Februery 2023

Managing the Spectrum of Liver Diseases in Pregnan
Managing the Spectrum of Liver Diseases in Pregnancy

Liver diseases during pregnancy present a diverse spectrum of challenges, ranging from subtle biochemical changes to severe liver failure, underscoring the complexity of their management and the need for tailored approaches to ensure optimal maternal and fetal outcomes.

Februery 2023

Placental findings in pregnancies complicated by m
Placental findings in pregnancies complicated by maternal cardiovascular disease

Pregnancies among women with CVD commonly show abnormal placental findings

January 2023

Planned Delivery Reduces Maternal Morbidity in Preeclampsia

Planned birth in cases of preeclampsia may decrease the risk of maternal morbidity, highlighting the importance of proactive management strategies to optimize outcomes for both mothers and infants in high-risk pregnancies.

December 2022

Maternal Mortality Linked to COVID-19 in Latin Ame
Maternal Mortality Linked to COVID-19 in Latin America

A multi-country collaborative database reveals a link between maternal mortality and COVID-19 in Latin America, emphasizing the importance of maternal health services and infection prevention measures during the pandemic.

December 2022

Almost Half of Pregnancies Worldwide Unwanted, Sig
Almost Half of Pregnancies Worldwide Unwanted, Signifying Failure in Women’s Rights

Approximately half of all pregnancies worldwide are unwanted, reflecting systemic failures in women’s reproductive rights and access to contraception, underscoring the need for comprehensive family planning initiatives and gender equity reforms.

November 2022

Vaginal Bleeding Not Related to Pregnancy: Clinica
Vaginal Bleeding Not Related to Pregnancy: Clinical Evaluation and Management

Vaginal bleeding not related to pregnancy is a common gynecological complaint, necessitating a systematic approach to clinical evaluation and management to identify underlying causes and guide appropriate treatment strategies for affected women.

November 2022

Durability of Anti-Spike Antibodies in Infants: Im
Durability of Anti-Spike Antibodies in Infants: Implications for Maternal Vaccination

Most infants born to COVID-19 vaccinated mothers exhibit persistent anti-spike (anti-S) antibodies at six months, highlighting the potential duration of maternal antibody transfer and passive immunity in newborns, and supporting the benefits of maternal vaccination for infant health.

November 2022

Hypertension During Pregnancy: Active Treatment Im
Hypertension During Pregnancy: Active Treatment Improves Pregnancy Outcomes

Active treatment aiming for a blood pressure goal of less than 140/90 mm Hg is associated with better pregnancy outcomes in women with hypertension during pregnancy, emphasizing the importance of effective blood pressure management in maternal and fetal health.

October 2022