Duration of REM Sleep Related to Body Temperature
Duration of REM Sleep Related to Body Temperature

Could play a key role in regulating brain temperature and metabolism.

April 2023

Sleep Quality and Cardiovascular Risk
Sleep Quality and Cardiovascular Risk

Suboptimal Sleep Associated with Increased Likelihood of Heart Disease and Stroke

April 2023

A Survey Reveals Causes of Insomnia in the US
A Survey Reveals Causes of Insomnia in the US

Survey finds stress, worry about the state of the world keeps some Americans up at night.

April 2023

The Lasting Effects of Insufficient Sleep on Child
The Lasting Effects of Insufficient Sleep on Children and Adolescents

Poor sleep habits in childhood and adolescence can have enduring effects on brain function and cognitive development, emphasizing the importance of addressing sleep deficiencies early on.

April 2023

Menopause Exacerbates Sleep Disorders Among Women
Menopause Exacerbates Sleep Disorders Among Women

Women undergoing menopause experience a greater propensity for sleep disorders compared to men, highlighting the need for tailored interventions to address sleep disturbances in this population during the menopausal transition and beyond.

Februery 2023

American Heart Association Updates Cardiovascular
American Heart Association Updates Cardiovascular Health Recommendations to Include Sleep

The American Heart Association (AHA) expands its cardiovascular health checklist to include sleep as a vital component, recognizing the significant impact of sleep quality and duration on heart health and overall well-being.

Februery 2023

Bed Sharing Linked to Improved Sleep and Mental He
Bed Sharing Linked to Improved Sleep and Mental Health in Adults

Bed sharing is associated with improved sleep quality and better mental health outcomes in adults, highlighting the potential social and psychological benefits of sleeping together.

Februery 2023

Frequent Nightmares Associated with Increased Risk
Frequent Nightmares Associated with Increased Risk of Parkinson’s Disease

People who experience frequent nightmares are twice as likely to be diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease later in life, suggesting a potential prodromal marker for the condition and highlighting the interplay between sleep disturbances and neurodegeneration.

January 2023

Sleep Patterns Influence Glycemic Control in Diabe
Sleep Patterns Influence Glycemic Control in Diabetes: Mendelian Randomization Study

A Mendelian randomization study elucidates the causal relationship between sleep traits and glycemic control, highlighting the potential impact of sleep interventions on diabetes management and outcomes.

January 2023

Insomnia Linked to Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabet
Insomnia Linked to Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Insomnia is associated with an elevated risk of developing type 2 diabetes, suggesting the potential role of sleep disturbances in the pathogenesis of metabolic disorders and the importance of sleep interventions in diabetes prevention and management.

December 2022