A Survey Reveals Causes of Insomnia in the US

Survey finds stress, worry about the state of the world keeps some Americans up at night.

April 2023
A Survey Reveals Causes of Insomnia in the US

Many engage in certain habits, such as looking at screens before bed, which can be detrimental to healthy sleep.

A Survey Reveals Causes of Insomnia in the US

A new national survey conducted by The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center finds that many Americans are losing sleep due to stress and worry about the current state of the world. After a global pandemic, a polarizing political divide, and more than two years of turbulent events, nearly one in five respondents report having difficulty falling asleep at night.

“Here at Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, there was a 29% increase in insomnia referrals from 2018 to 2021,” said Dr. Aneesa Das, professor of internal medicine. “Stress can increase your heart rate, increase blood pressure, upset your stomach, and cause muscle tension. All of those things increase our alertness, making it difficult to fall asleep.”

The survey also found that many Americans try to mitigate sleep problems by using habits that can be detrimental to a good night’s sleep. Nearly half of Americans say they look at their phones right before bed and 37% fall asleep with the TV on.

“Our circadian drive is that central clock that tells us when we’re supposed to be awake and asleep, and that’s driven by light more than anything,” Das said. “When we use our smartphones and TVs right before bed, we increase that exposure to bright light at the wrong time.”

Instead, Das suggests increasing exposure to natural light by going outdoors during the day as much as possible. Once the sun goes down, limiting light exposure is essential for better sleep. Plus, consistent exercise throughout the week is key to helping your body get into an optimal sleep routine.

Other simple behavioral adjustments that can help improve sleep patterns include:

  • Keep your bedroom cool, dark and quiet
  • Spend time in bed only when it is time to sleep.
  • Use cognitive behavioral therapies such as meditation and muscle relaxation.
  • Keep bedtime and wake-up times consistent, even on weekends

If you can’t improve your sleep, experts recommend talking to your primary care doctor as a first step. They can help determine if additional methods, such as sleep restriction, may be beneficial or if insomnia could be a symptom of an underlying health condition.