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Hydroxychloroquine for the Treatment of Non-Hospitalized Adults with COVID-19
HCQ does not improve viral clearance nor reduce the risk of hospitalization
September 2023
Non-Pharmacological Approaches to Prolonging Sleep in Healthy Children
Adequate sleep plays a crucial role in children’s health and development, with non-pharmacological interventions offering potential solutions.
September 2023
Brain Abnormalities Post-COVID-19
Neuroimaging reveals brain abnormalities associated with various symptoms following COVID-19 infection, including fatigue, insomnia, and cognitive impairments.
Daytime light exposure strongly predicts seasonal variations in sleep patterns and circadian rhythms.
July 2023
Poor Sleep Quality Linked to Glaucoma Risk
Findings underscore the importance of sleep therapy in individuals at risk of glaucoma, emphasizing the need for regular eye checks in poor sleepers.
July 2023
Sleep: The Eighth Measure of Cardiovascular Health
Evidence suggests that sleep is critical for maintaining heart health, with sleep quality playing a significant role in cardiovascular well-being, according to a study using the American Heart Association framework.
July 2023
Sleep Loss Predisposes to Visceral Abdominal Obesity
The consequences of lack of sleep for the risk of obesity are increasingly evident.
May 2023
A Method to Calm and Promote Sleep in Crying Babies
The infant’s crying is attenuated by transportation but not by immobile restraint.
April 2023
Lack of Sleep in Adolescents Is Associated with Overweight and Obesity
Findings Were Independent of Energy Intake and Physical Activity Levels