Vaporizer Use Linked to Increased Tooth Decay Risk

Using vaporizers may contribute to tooth decay by altering oral microflora and promoting conditions conducive to dental caries formation.

January 2024

A comparison of caries risk between patients who use vaporizers or e-cigarettes and those who do not.



Evidence on the possible effects of vaping on oral health is scarce, and there is limited data on possible links to cavities and periodontal disease. The authors evaluated the association between the use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarette) or vape and the level of caries risk. The Caries Management by Risk Assessment tool was used .


A cross-sectional study of the patients’ medical records was carried out; 13,098 patients who attended the dental school clinics from January 1, 2019 to January 1, 2022 were included in the study. The Mann-Whitney U test and multivariable ordinal logistic regression were used to evaluate the relationship between the use of electronic cigarettes or vaporizers and the level of caries risk.


Data from 13,216 patients were initially included in the data set; 13,080 responded “no” when asked if they used e-cigarettes or vaporizers (99.3%) and 136 responded “yes” (0.69%).

There was a statistically significant difference (P < 0.001) in caries risk levels between the e-cigarette or vape group and the control group; 14.5%, 25.9% and 59.6% of the control group were in the low, moderate and high caries risk categories, respectively, and 6.6%, 14.3% and 79.1% % of the e-cigarette or vaporizer group were in the low, moderate, and high caries risk categories, respectively.


In this study population, there was an association between e-cigarette or vaporizer use and patients’ caries risk level; patients who vaped had a higher risk of developing cavities.

Practical implications

Within the limitations of the study, it was recommended that the use of e-cigarettes or vaporizers should not only be included in the routine dental medical history questionnaire, but also among the risk factors that increase a patient’s caries risk level.


Researchers say e-cigarettes and similar devices are associated with increased risk of cavities

A vaping habit could end up causing a tarnished smile and more frequent visits to the dentist.

Research by professors at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine found that patients who said they used vaping devices were more likely to have a higher risk of developing cavities. With CDC surveys reporting that 9.1 million American adults (and 2 million teens) use tobacco-based vaping products, that’s a lot of vulnerable teeth.

This study’s findings on the association between vaping and the risk of cavities, the dental term for cavities, serve as a warning that this seemingly harmless habit can be very harmful, says Karina Irusa, assistant professor of integrative care and author. main on paper. The study was published Nov. 23 in The Journal of the American Dental Association .

In recent years, public awareness of the systemic health dangers of vaping has increased, particularly after the use of vaping devices was linked to lung diseases. Some dental research has shown links between e-cigarette use and increased markers of gum disease and, separately, damage to the tooth’s enamel, its outer layer. But relatively little emphasis has been placed on the intersection between e-cigarette use and oral health, even by dentists, Irusa says.

Irusa says the recent Tufts finding may be just an indication of the damage vaping causes to the mouth. "The extent of the effects on dental health, specifically tooth decay, is still relatively unknown," she says. "At this point, I’m just trying to raise awareness," both among dentists and patients.

This study, Irusa says, is the first known to specifically investigate the association of vaping and e-cigarettes with the increased risk of developing cavities. She and her colleagues analyzed data from more than 13,000 patients ages 16 and older who were treated at Tufts dental clinics between 2019 and 2022.

While the vast majority of patients said they did not use vapes, there was a statistically significant difference in tooth decay risk levels between the e-cigarette/vaping group and the control group, Irusa found. About 79% of patients who vaped were classified as high risk for cavities, compared to only about 60% of the control group. Patients who vaped were not asked if they used devices containing nicotine or THC, although nicotine is more common.

"It is important to understand that these are preliminary data," says Irusa. "This is not 100% conclusive, but people need to be aware of what we are seeing." More studies need to be done, and Irusa wants to take a closer look at how vaping affects saliva microbiology.

One reason e-cigarette use could contribute to a high risk of tooth decay is the sugary content and viscosity of the vaping liquid, which, when aerosolized and then inhaled through the mouth, sticks to the teeth. . (A 2018 study published in the journal PLOS One compared the properties of sweet-tasting e-cigarettes to gummy candies and sour drinks.) Vaping aerosols have been shown to change the oral microbiome making it more hospitable to cavity-causing bacteria. It has also been noted that vaping appears to encourage cavities in areas where it does not normally occur, such as the bottom edges of the front teeth. "It has an aesthetic cost," says Irusa.

The Tufts researchers recommend that dentists routinely ask about e-cigarette use as part of a patient’s medical history. That includes pediatric dentists who serve teens: According to the FDA/CDC, 7.6% of middle and high school students said they used e-cigarettes in 2021.

The researchers also suggest that patients who use e-cigarettes should be considered for a "more rigorous cavity management protocol," which could include prescription fluoride toothpaste and fluoride rinse, in-office fluoride applications, and follow-ups with more than twice a year.

"It takes a huge investment of time and money to control tooth decay, depending on how severe it is," Irusa says. "Once you’ve started the habit, even if you get fillings, as long as you continue, you’re still at risk for secondary cavities. It’s a vicious cycle that won’t stop."

Steven Eisen of Tufts University School of Dental Medicine is the lead author of the paper. Complete information on authors and conflicts of interest is available in the published article.