Food & Health
FDA Approves Relyvirio for ALS Treatment
FDA Approves Relyvirio for ALS Treatment

Relyvirio, a combination therapy comprising sodium phenylbutyrate and taurusodiol, receives FDA approval as a therapeutic option for ALS, designated as an orphan drug.

June 2023

Late-Night Eating Linked to Obesity Risk
Late-Night Eating Linked to Obesity Risk

Late-night eating habits contribute to increased hunger, reduced calorie burning, and alterations in adipose tissue, raising the risk of obesity.

June 2023

Understanding Obesity Pathogenesis Paradigms
Understanding Obesity Pathogenesis Paradigms

The obesity pandemic is influenced by competing pathogenesis paradigms, underscoring the need for multifaceted approaches to combat this public health crisis.

June 2023

Inflammatory Diet and Testosterone Deficiency in M
Inflammatory Diet and Testosterone Deficiency in Men

Studies link testosterone deficiency in men to increased levels of inflammation, underscoring the importance of dietary factors in hormonal health.

June 2023

Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Premature Mortalit
Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Premature Mortality

Consumption of ultra-processed foods is associated with premature deaths, highlighting the need for dietary interventions to improve public health.

June 2023

Workplace-Based Lifestyle Therapy Benefits for Obe
Workplace-Based Lifestyle Therapy Benefits for Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

Intensive workplace-based lifestyle therapy demonstrates profound cardiometabolic benefits for individuals with obesity and type 2 diabetes, emphasizing the importance of holistic approaches to healthcare.

June 2023

Association Between Body Fat and Risk of All-Cause
Association Between Body Fat and Risk of All-Cause Mortality

Higher visceral fat content is associated with the risk of all-cause mortality.

May 2023

Drinking Black Tea Associated with Lower Risk of M
Drinking Black Tea Associated with Lower Risk of Mortality

Tea Can Be Part of a Healthy Diet

May 2023

Sleep Loss Predisposes to Visceral Abdominal Obesi
Sleep Loss Predisposes to Visceral Abdominal Obesity

The consequences of lack of sleep for the risk of obesity are increasingly evident.

May 2023

Dapagliflozin for Heart Failure Based on Body Mass
Dapagliflozin for Heart Failure Based on Body Mass Index

Dapagliflozin improves cardiovascular outcomes across the BMI spectrum.

May 2023